Terms of Service

Welcome to PopSticker.art. By using our system, you agree to the following terms of service. Please read these terms carefully to ensure that you understand and agree with our policies.

Terms of Service

  1. Acceptance of Terms

    • By using our system, you agree to and accept all contents of these terms of service.
  2. Copyright Statement

    • All stickers generated by you on this website are owned by PopSticker. This website has the right to authorize anyone to use these stickers for free.
  3. Legality

    • You must not generate stickers that violate the law. If you generate stickers that violate the law, you are fully responsible for all consequences. This website is not responsible for any legal issues arising from such actions.
  4. Content Review

    • This website reserves the right to proactively delete stickers that are not suitable for display and will not notify users in advance.


  1. User Responsibility

    • Users are solely responsible for any legal consequences of generating stickers that violate the law. This website assumes no responsibility.
  2. Content Deletion

    • This website has the right to delete any stickers that are deemed inappropriate without prior notice to the user. The deletion is to ensure the legality and appropriateness of the platform’s content.

Policy Updates

We may update these terms of service from time to time to reflect changes in our information practices or legal requirements. We will post the updated terms of service on our website and indicate the latest effective date. Please review this page periodically to stay informed about our latest terms of service.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need more information about these terms of service, please contact us:

Thank you for using PopSticker.art! We are committed to providing you with a secure and reliable sticker generation platform.