
歡迎使用 PopSticker.art。使用我們的系統即表示您同意以下使用條款。請仔細閱讀這些條款,以確保您了解並同意我們的政策。


  1. 同意條款

    • 使用我們的系統,即代表您同意並接受本使用條款的所有內容。
  2. 版權聲明

    • 您在本網站生成的所有貼紙,其版權歸 PopSticker 所有。本網站有權授權任何人免費使用這些貼紙。
  3. 合法性

    • 您不得生成違反法律的貼紙。如果您生成了違反法律的貼紙,一切後果由您自己承擔,本網站概不負責。
  4. 內容審核

    • 本網站保留主動刪除不適合展示的貼紙的權利,並不會主動通知用戶。


  1. 用戶責任

    • 對於用戶生成的違反法律的貼紙,所有法律後果由生成該貼紙的用戶自行承擔。本網站不承擔任何責任。
  2. 內容刪除

    • 本網站有權刪除任何不適合展示的貼紙,無需提前通知用戶。刪除行為是為了確保平台內容的合法性和適宜性。





感謝您使用 PopSticker.art!我們致力於為您提供一個安全、可靠的貼紙生成平台。

Welcome to PopSticker.art. We highly value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. Please read the following privacy policy to understand how we handle your information.

Information We Collect

  1. IP Address

    • Purpose: We collect your IP address to prevent system abuse by users.
    • Security Measures: Your IP address will be strictly protected and used only to prevent system abuse. It will not be used for any other purposes.
  2. Unique Identifier

    • Purpose: We generate a unique identifier in your browser to recognize the stickers you have generated, making it easier for you to find and manage them.
    • Security Measures: This identifier is stored only in your browser and does not contain any personal identifying information. If you delete this identifier, you will not be able to retrieve your generated stickers and will only be able to find them through public search.

Information We Do Not Collect

User Privacy Protection

User Rights

Policy Updates

We may update this privacy policy from time to time to reflect changes in our information practices or legal requirements. We will post the updated privacy policy on our website and indicate the latest effective date. Please review this page periodically to stay informed about our latest privacy policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need more information about this privacy policy, please contact us:

Thank you for using PopSticker.art! We are committed to providing you with a secure and reliable sticker generation platform.